We have heard back from the NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service. Unfortunately it is not good news and they have provided the following information on the situation.
Questran - no resupply date
Questran Light - There is stock of Questran Light but only on emergency/restricted supply via Alliance Healthcare - which is the only route community pharmacists can obtain supply and they must be account holder with Alliance.
The company say the products are not being discontinued but intermittent supply problems ae expected globally over 2019 and reduced availability of active drug is likely for the foreseeable future.
Colesevelam - Sanofi is out of stock of colesevelam until week commencing 17 June when it should be back at wholesalers.
Therefore, in the interim if you local pharmacies are unable to obtain a supply of questran & colesevelam for you, colestipol granules (Brand name Cholestid) is the only alternative bile acid sequestrant available.